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Prof. Francine Grodstein

Prof. Francine Grodstein

Professor & Director
Harvard Medical School


She has been the Director of the NHS since 2011. She is Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Professor of Epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. her research focuses on healthy aging, particularly in women. She has led studies of cognitive function and incontinence in the Nurses Health Studies.

Research Interest

Her research focuses on healthy aging, particularly in women. Her primary research base is the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS), where she leads a study of cognitive function among the oldest participants. This includes several repeated measures of function in 20,000 women aged 70 years and over. In addition, she leads cognitive substudies within three large-scale randomized clinical trials of vitamin supplements and aspirin with a total of 16,000 participants in the cognitive cohort. She also initiated a study of risk factors for incontinence in the Nurses Health Study and Nurses Health Study II. Incontinence is a common problem in older women, with important public health consequences, yet little is known about its epidemiology or prevention.